(Spy) Voice-Recorders

Due to the name of our shop (“Spyshop”), most clients who visit us have a mission to make unobstructed sound recordings including one or two combined wishes:
- A (very) sensitive microphone in order to be able to hide this product well in a living space, office, car or to wear underneath clothing, concealing inside a suitcase, toy, etc.
- Featuring a long battery operating time since often it is not always possible or desirable to re-charge the battery with short intervals.
Besides, most of the time small sized devices are appreciated by our clients.
For that reason, we continuously are searching for new ‘high-end’ products since, in most cases, regular offered voice recorders don’t meet the required quality of our visitors.
Below, we will show you several voice recorders which, even when hidden well, pick up sound and voices at distances from 5 up to 10 meters away from the recorders’ microphone and/or offering a long lasting battery operating time.
You are welcome in our shop to judge the quality of one or more of our in stockholding models. This offers you the opportunity to decide which type fits best for your ‘mission in mind’.
Our voice recorder collection is manufactured in Japan, South Korea or England.
ATTENTION: In case you have in mind to make recordings inside the cabin of a car or at a location with considerable ambient noise (restaurant, outdoors, etc.) and, at the same time, want to hide the recorder well, be aware of the fact that special requirements are set concerning the specifications of the recorder. Only a few models are suitable for these situations to guarantee intelligible recordings. Below, we will present you a few models which can be used for these “sound critical” circumstances as well.

Mini Voice Recorder
Art. nr. CN-200
This mini voice-activated recorder is made in Russia (!) and measures only 15x15x30 mm. It weighs 40 grams. The metal housing contains a rechargeable battery featuring a maximum life- and recording time of 24 hours. It offers a sensitive microphone. Programming (via a PC or Laptop) is rather cumbersome. In terms of dimensions this recorder can be defined as interesting. On the other hand, it is rather pricey (around € 600). However, since it is offered by a few of our colleagues as well, our Spyshop cannot leave behind offering this device!

Lighter serves as illustration of sizes recorder
Shown model subject to change.
Mini Voice Recorder
Art. nr. CN-201
featuring recordings of (mobile) phone conversations
The CN-201 mini voice activated recorder is an excellent tool for (covered) recordings of meetings in ‘business environments’ within a radius of 5 meters (even when hidden behind clothing). The battery lifetime is approx. 16 hours and 40 hours of recording time. The customized ‘earplug’ enables the CN-201 to be used as a discrete 2-way telephone recorder of any type of (mobile) telephone.
Recordings can be downloaded on a PC or Laptop. Play-back possibility via supplied earplug as well. Sizes 2x2x6 cm. Weight 50 grams. Made in Z-Korea.

Mini Voice Recorder USB Model
Art. nr. CN-262
The USB Voice Recorder CN-262 is a quality product from South Korea. The ‘stick’ is provided with 3 microphones (!) so sensitive all around. It features a 140 hours recording capacity (16 Gb.) and in (sensitivity adjusting) voice activating ‘sleeping’ mode 21 days battery stand-by time. It records time/date stamp. It’s battery lasts about 24 hours during continuous recordings. This device is suitable for covered recordings of meetings, etc. in business environments (not recommendable to use in cars) or leave it behind in an office, home, etc. during your absence. Sensitivity (depending on the acoustics) max. 6 meters. Sizes 1x2x4 cm. Weight 40 grams.

Mini Voice Recorder ‘model wristband’
Art. nr. CN-263
A unique design ‘wrist’ voice recorder. This ‘jewelry for the men’ can discretely be worn under the sleeve of a (T) shirt or even uncovered. Bystanders will never notice that a recorder is located under the chrome cover. It features more than 20 hours of non-stop recordings with one charge only. It will survive every meeting! Microphone sensitivity is about 5 meters. Provided with rubber band. The included charging cable can be connected to any PC or Laptop for playback or storage of data.
No PC? Recordings can directly be played back via the supplied earphones as well!

Lighter serves as illustration of sizes
recorder only
Mini Voice Recorder ‘USB Stick Pro’
Art. nr. CN-264
This voice recorder is made in England and offers an extremely high quality. Suitable to wear underneath clothing, in a room, office, car, etc. Provides good quality recordings in case of background noise (restaurant, reception, cabin of a car, etc.). In voice activating mode, the battery lasts about 1 month (!). The storage capacity is up to 130 hours. Taking into account it’s dimensions and battery time, it leaves ’competitors’ behind. Convince yourself during a demo in our shop. Transfer files via the USB cable to your Apple or Windows Laptop or PC. Sizes 4x2x1 cm, weight 45 grams.

Voice Recorder ( 3 mm. flat’)
Art. nr. CN-265
Model CN-265 is the best type of our ‘voice recorders’ collection. It can easily be hidden underneath a carpet, behind a wall painting, inside a book, suitcase, under a tabletop, etc. This all due to the fact that this recorder only measures 3 mm. ‘thick’!
The super sensitive microphone picks up a whisper up to 10 meters, meaning 20 meters within a circle! This recorder offers a battery stand-by time of 2 months (you read it right!) and an actual recording time of 160 hours. Files can be transferred to your PC or Laptop. This recorder is (very) suitable for use in environments with (annoying) background noises such as in the cabin of a car. We are gladly willing to demonstrate you this amazing product in our shop. It’s available with an external (wired) microphone as well. Sizes 3x90x90 mm. Weight 60 grams. Made in the U.K.

Voice Recorder & GSM ‘Call-in’ function
Art. nr. CN-266
The characteristics and battery lifetime of the high-quality voice recorder can be compared with our USB stick model CN-264 as described above. However, this multi- functional device is provided with a simcard as well. It enables the user to call to the recorder and to follow live conversations from the room where the recorder has been placed (see our product group GSM Spy Products). Worldwide operational. Both recording and call-in function can be used at the same time or separate. Call-in battery time of the GSM section is about 10 hours. The stand-by time of the recorder is 30 days, recording storage is 130 hours. Sizes 7x7x4 cm. Weight 80 gr.